Want to help support our vision? Want to partner with us? That's great!
John 15:5 - “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.
​​We want to thank you for becoming a financial partner. The seeds that you sow into DRMI will have an effect around the world as Holy Spirit sends our teams out into the Global Harvest to change lives. As we go out your seed is being planted into the lives that this ministry is blessed to touch with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Signs, Wonders and Miracles that follow His name.
Our victories for the Kingdom of Heaven become your victories and together we are advancing the Kingdom of God on the earth

All financial gifts are tax deductible.
Together we can preach the Good News, Feed the Hungry, Care for the Orphans, and Bring Healing, Salvation and Joy to a lost, hurting, and dying world.
Thank You and God Bless You!